LYNX pipeline mode and scenario planning
The LYNX Pipeline Mode and scenario planner is an advanced decisions support solution, to help pipeline management and portfolio managers to:
- Support the decision process with clear pipeline and capacity planning scenarios
- Maximize the output (“throughput”), optimize the flow and do more with you existing teams, by controlling and tuning the amount of Work-In-Process (WIP)
- To understand what can be promised to customers and stakeholders and be able to fulfill their promises with confidence
- Detect problems and multi-project resource conflicts as early as possible
- Help department and Resource Managers with hiring and training decisions
The LYNX Pipeline Mode and scenario planner helps you to create realistic and sound pipeline and portfolio plan, considering ongoing projects and your future projects all together.
“What-if” you want to deliver ongoing and future projects in time?
It is recommend to do a regular capacity analysis, on the basis of your current pipeline and identify any risks on the "due-date" performance the current pipeline. The results of this analysis may require to make changes to your current pipeline, before considering allow any new projects to enter the pipeline.
Review and analysis of the current portfolio pipeline (master or baseline)
Questions to be answered include:
- Are there any capacity overloads (visible in the multi-project resource load information)?
- If yes, where? Which of the skill(s) are likely to be the “primary constraint”?
- Which of these skill(s) is most used in the projects?
- Is the "virtual drum" overloaded?
- Is the current pipeline at risk?
- are there (too) many projects in the red zone of the fever chart?
- what is the trend?
- Is there a problem? If yes, how big is the problem actually?
- How much delay can be expected, across all projects in the current portfolio pipeline?
- What is the expected "due-date" performance of your current portfolio pipeline?
Identify scenarios for modifying your current portfolio pipeline
If the due-date performance of your current portfolio pipeline is at risk, the following questions would need to be addressed:
- Is it possible to expand the capacity, permanently or temporarily?
- For which skill is this possible?
- Does this solve the problem?
- Is resequencing of the pipeline required?
- Which projects have the highest business priority?
- Can projects with a lower business priority be postponed or (temporarily) put on hold?
- Does this free up capacity for the more important projects?
- How to use available free capacity at other skill(s)?
- Which projects can be started, without impacting the “constraint” skills?
Identify scenarios for adding projects to your portfolio pipeline
Most likely you have a list of candidate projects that also are to be delivered in the (near) future. For these projects you also would like know which deliver dates can be promised to the stakeholders of the projects or the customer concerned.
Another situation can be that a new project is identified and that this project has become very important to the company, offset against already ongoing projects in the current portfolio pipeline.
In this case you would like to evaluate the impact of adding the new project to the portfolio pipeline, on the delivery commitments of already existing projects in the portfolio pipeline.
The following questions would need to be addressed:
- When can the identified additional project(s) be delivered?
- What is the impact of adding a high priority (new) project to the portfolio pipeline?
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