How do I use the fever chart to see progress?
You need to enable auto scheduler in order for the tracking points to be saved with the project. You can do this via configuration > space properties > General > check box for Enable auto scheduler. This will allow the tracking points to be remembered for a released project even if set to not started given the auto scheduler is switched on.
You can select different histories to see more or less points on the fever chart to see how your project progressed over time.
You can see those points in the projects via the "Tags." When you open a project, you can see the list of tags via the button below. You can also edit those tags, either create a tag for today, or an earlier day.
- Step 1: Open the project.
- Step 2: Open the calendar and select the date you want to create the tag for. Wait for the schedule to re-calculate (see loading bar at the bottom of the screen):
- Step 3: Create a manual tag using the "current" date and time:
- Step 4: Open the tags list, check the tag has been created.
- Step 5: You can also select and delete a tag:
- Step 6: Set your time back to the current date and time:
Why can’t I choose resource, resource manager, task manager, or team manager in the users list?
These are automatically checked when the user is invited in the respective roles so they are assigned via objects.
You can only pick if the user is a:
- Space owner: User has administrator rights in the current space.
- Space contact: User receives system notifications of the current space.
- Space reader: User has read access to all data contained in the space but cannot edit it.
- Project manager: User is allowed to add or delete projects they own. You can also assign a Project Manager via Project Properties.
The roles are checked as follows:
Resource: User has the role of resource manager for one or more resources.
- Assigned via the Resource table > Resource > User.
Team manager: User has the role of team manager.
- Assigned via the Skill table > Skill > Team manager.
Task manager: User has the role of task manager for one or more tasks in the system
- Assigned or created via Task Properties in the project window for one or multiple tasks.
Team member: User is part of a team skill and can access the workpackage assigned to his team.
- Assigned to a Team skill of a specific workpackage, within a project (see the LYNX TameFlow
articles addressing this process).
- Assigned to a Team skill of a specific workpackage, within a project (see the LYNX TameFlow
How do I remove a user from my Space?
When you want to remove a user, you can simply select the desired user in the User table, and click on "Revoke share". If they are linked to any tasks, you will receive a pop-up to confirm and show which items they are linked to.
Go to configure > Users/logins > Select User > Revoke Share Button > Ok.
User did not receive their invitation. What do I do?
You can select the user in the User table, and click on the "Resend invitation" button. Please ask the user to check their Spam/Junk folder.
Go to configure > Users/logins > Select User > Resend invitation Button > Ok.
New user received their invitation but the activation token has expired. What do I do?
The forgot password feature in the login screen works both ways. If a user is already activated, they will receive a link to reset their password. However, if they are not activated yet, they will receive a new activation email with a new token.
Open Lynx > Enter their email > Click on "Forgot Password".
How to keep a Workpackage visible on the task board, also when all cards are closed?
There are two space-wide settings which handle the workpackage closing behavior. By default, both features are selected. Meaning once all cards in a workpackage are closed, both the resource requirement status and the task status will be set to "Completed'. This will remove the workpackage from your task board.
You can change this via unchecking those two features, or one of them.
- See screenshot below. The first feature is to complete the workpackage (task) automatically when the last card is completed, this means the resource requirement is also automatically completed.
- If you have only the second feature checked, it means Lynx will only set the resource requirement (team skill) as completed, but to leave the task as started. This will leave the workpackage on the task board until a user marks the resource requirement (and thus task) as completed.
- If you have neither checked, then neither will be automatically completed and needs to be done manually.
You can find this via Configure > Space Properties > Turn on/off Features tab. Please note that this change is space-wide so it affects all projects.
Related Articles:
- Distribution of Tasks and Workpackages via My activities
- User Roles and Adding Users by Invitation
- Linking a user to his resource manager
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