Task lists are published and visible from multiple screens: Active Tasks Tab, My Activities Tab, and Project Window. The following shows more details for each section.
A: Active Tasks Tab
The Active Tasks Tab shows all the tasks from released projects. The tasks are sorted by their priority. By default, the window shows the active tasks, which are tasks that are started (status is "Started") or ready to start (tasks whose predecessor is completed).
You can use the filter to show all started tasks (only show tasks with status "Started") or all tasks (all not started and not ready to start tasks from the released projects are included in addition to the active tasks).
You can also filter out your roles, which will show you tasks from projects where you are the project manager, or tasks in which you are a team manager, depending on the filter.
The last filtering option is to filter out when the tasks are planned. For example, only show tasks which are scheduled for the next 4 weeks.
Finally, you can use the search bar to search through projects, tasks, tasks managers, or resources
B: My Activities Tab
The My Activities tab only shows your active tasks (Started tasks and ready to start tasks, see section A). That means you can see the tasks linked to you as a resource, team manager, or task manager. It works similar to the Active Tasks tab where the tasks are order by priority, the filters are the same apart from the role filter. Thus, My Activities is the same as Active tasks, except it only shows tasks that are linked to you.
In addition, you have a refresh button and a card view button. The refresh button is there so you can refresh the list yourself after updates are done to projects. This prevents the task list from re-arranging and getting updated while you are busy viewing/updating tasks.
The cards view enables you to see the workpackages and cards linked to your active tasks. For example, task Build Prototype is a workpackage with three cards.
Regardless of which role you are assigned, you can manage the task's details from My Activities Tab.
B1: Resource
In this example, I'm the resource manager of the resource "Mike Dempsey" (Designer), therefore I see the task in My activities list.
You can assign a resource manager from the resources list under user tab.
B2: Team Manager
In this example, I'm a team manager for the team "Team Software", therefore I see the task in my My Activities list. The Team Manager for the skill "Team Software" sees all tasks for his software team.
You can assign a resource manager from the skills list under team manager tab.
B3: Task Manager
In this example, I'm a Task Manager so I see the active task (ready to start) in my activities list. As a Task Manager, you have control over the whole task, and all resource requirements under it. You can update each resource/skill separately, or you can update all resources at once.
C: Project Window of the project
The project window is the detailed project which you can find by double clicking a project from the Project Portfolio tab.
C1: Project Manager
In the project window, the project manager can manage and update all aspects. For example, you can edit the tasks' resource requirements.
You can invite other project managers. The default is read-only, meaning they cannot edit the project. However, you can select that they have read-write access.
C2: Task Manager
You can invite task managers to your project and add them to the specific tasks.
One or more task managers can be assigned to a task. You can select one or more tasks (by using the CTRL or SHIFT keys) and drag and drop the task manager from the list to the task.
Summary: Updating Remaining Time on Task
Depending on your role, you can update the task's expected time to complete (ETTC) via the task lists (Active Tasks / My Activities) or from the project window.
- Updating progress by resources or team manager via My Activities (Active Tasks)
- Updating progress of tasks by task managers: from My Activities
- Updating progress of tasks by resources: from My Activities
- Pre-Conditions: Projects have status “Released”
- Updating progress of tasks by team managers: from My Activities
- Typically by done by the Project Manager or Task Manager on behalf of the resources:
- Task by Task update of progress: in the project
- In the resource requirements of the task under the estimated time to complete of each resource requirement.
- Updating the status e.g. completing the task, can also be done in the task details
- Pre-Conditions: Projects have status “Released”
- Task by Task update of progress: in the project
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