Get your own Personal Task Manager here: Request LYNX Personal Task Manager!
As A-dato we have successfully implemented the principles of TOC (Drum-Buffer-Rope), Kanban and Critical Chain Project Management in almost any project and portfolio environment over many years, helping them to improve and achieve their goals and objectives.
And with LYNX TameFlow many of our customers have also embedded Agile or Kanban workflows into their projects or professional services, allowing teams to collaborate and improve, the "TameFlow way".
But not everything on your personal to-do list is related to projects or professional services work: many other tasks may reside in other systems as well (like Salesforce, Zendesk, JIRA, etc.). And how to keep a grip on the rest of the work? And how to combine this with personal tasks, outside your work environment, that are more personal or private?
With LYNX TameFlow you now have the possibility to become more focused and productive with the best practices from TOC (DBR), Kanban and Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), applied to your personal work-environment, including all work that needs to be done.
Leading principles
There is already an overwhelming amount of literature has been published regarding the principles driving "personal productivity". These include following main principles:
"A mind is for having ideas not for storing them”
David Allen, Getting Things done
Following this principle, it is required that an "External Brain" is implemented, which allows to unload but also keep tasks and ideas:
"Build an external brain to free your mind"
Through using LYNX TameFlow in the role of your "External Brain Tool" you have the possibility to save any task, to-do or activity that need to be remembered in a quick and easy way. Also you can easily select the a category and workflow applicable, required for completing task.
But having all tasks in one system is not a guarantee for keeping grip on your work, your ability complete tasks with focus and preventing the trap of Multi-Tasking. This is easier said then done, considering:
- Multiple streams of work, like:
- Projects, Services/Other teams, Management or Personal work
- Streams and Tasks with different workflows
- Dynamics of changing or moving tasks characteristics, like a due-date
- Etc.
The answer to this challenge is the application of the "LYNX TameFlow" approach and features, which adds the principles of TOC, Kanban and Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) as a new dimension to your personal work environment. This approach will always help you to decide what to next and what to focus on, making a "Mind like Water" (David Allen), possible:
"A mental and emotional state in which your head is clear, able to create and respond freely, unencumbered with distractions and split focus .."
You don't have to worry that the task is forgotten or does not show-up in time, as priorities will help to present the tasks that need attention show "on top", as illustrated in the picture below, showing "My next action":
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