My activities and Active Tasks
The My activities tab and the Active task tab can be accessed via the Desktop window:
What is the purpose of the My activities task list and the Active task list?
The My activities task list is role based and shows the relevant tasks for a user given his role of for example as a Task Manager. By default it focuses on the tasks that are started and are ready to start (RTS), which determine the progress of the corresponding projects.
The Active Task screen is not role based and shows all tasks across all roles. The task manager has the possibility to filter and select the tasks or projects of his interest. A benefit for the task manager is for example that he is able to see all tasks for the project, including tasks owned by other tasks manager. He can review his tasks list in the context of all other tasks in the project.
What else is different (1)?
Many task progress updates can occur during a day. Due to these updates also the buffer consumption of the projects are affected, which means tasks priorities potentially are changing all the time. Task priorities (buffer consumption percentages) could change from “green” to “orange” or even “red” during one day. Or task priorities may goes down as well.
In a CCPM environment the intention is to achieve operational stability with clear priorities for tasks. Also a common practice is that a task manager normally reviews their task list once a day.
Therefore the priority behavior implemented for the My activities task list has standard a “daily” rhythm, which smoothens and stabilizes the impact of constant changes. With other words: the priority of a task is kept constant during a day on the My Activities list (if updates originate from updates via the My activities screens from other users).
What else is different (2)?
The Active Task list is build from a calculating process running on the LYNX client (the computer of the user). This process recalculates all projects and buffer consumption once a user has logged into LYNX and the data has been loaded (in case a user is task manager in many projects, this process may take some more time). The Active Task list is updated all the time. If a tasks priority changes this change is directly reflected in the Active Tasks list.
The My activity tasks list on the other hand is directly loaded from the server, and is immediately available (“in a split second”) once LYNX has started.
Are other tasks updates or project updates published in the My activities task list?
Except for the priority all other task updates (e.g. task status change, change in ETTC, etc., change of RTS=No to RTS=Yes) are directly updated in the My Activities screen. Another possibility is that user in another role (e.g. project manager) opens the project, makes changes in the project and then saves the project. These changes are saved on the server and also published to the My activities list. In this case the tasks priorities are also updated on the My activities list.
When does LYNX refresh the (new) tasks priorities in the My activities task list?
This happens daily through a special synchronization routine. This routine updates the priorities of all task list, based on +1 day. This also means that the new buffer consumption for any project, will take into account that time has progressed with one day. Also if a project is not changed during the (previous) day the buffer consumption for this a project still needs to take into account that time has progressed the next day with one day.
The result is that at the beginning of each day task priorities are synchronized again across My activities and Active Tasks..
Why and how should I refresh the My activities screen?
If LYNX and the My Activities screen is left open when a computer is put into “sleep” mode and the computer is activated again, some time is needed for synchronisation. The “refresh” button refreshed the My activities task list directly.
Why a My Activities list (in addition to the active task lists)?
The specific value of the My activities task list is as follows:
- Create Focus - My activities only displays the task for the role e.g. a Tasks Manager
- Stabilize priorities at least during the time frame of a day (as explained above)
- User experience: the My activities list opens in a “split second”
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