Stage Module
We have improved the possibilities within the Stage Module. The first improvement is the visualization of the stages. Besides selecting the color of the edge and the fill of the stage, you have the possibility to select Figures/Images for you stage. For instance, for specific milestones/ starting points that you would like to highlight":
And you have the ability to add a label on top of your stage. This could be the name of the stage, but also any preferred text.
In addition, you have the possibility to use the rollup functionality within the stage module. Combining all information from a summary stage to one line and giving a clear overview of all the different stages and milestones for a specific projects.
We have added the Project Portfolio to the application. So, next to the tasks and cards that need to be performed, the overview of the projects is added. Presenting their priority, based on the buffer consumption and the longest chain completed.
The Project Portfolio includes multiple views and information related to these projects. You have for instance the option to show All Projects, Not Started Projects, Templates or the regular view: All Released Projects. Besides, the Details on the right side include the Custom Fields, Notes and Documents that are included within the project.
Switch theme
Besides the standard colors, we have added the Dark Theme to the application.
- There were some (small) bugs within the application, which are fixed during development.
- This application is still in development, so please let us know if you find any on:
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