Design of buttons
The biggest visual changes the past month have been in the design in most of the buttons within our application. The overall look and feel of the application has been updated and we believe that the newly designed figures visualizes the functionality in a better way. Within this article we focus on two main functionalities of the software: Project Portfolio and Projects. But, as you might have noticed, all over the application figures have been redesigned.
Project Portfolio
We will not include all new figures within this article, but we will start with the Project Portfolio, part 1:
With new buttons for the Notes, Progress Chart, Debuffered View, Scenarios and for the Project Filters.
The right side of the application has new buttons as well, see part 2:
Most of the above buttons have been changed, but as you can see the focus is on the new to buttons in the top right: Lynx-x and Tameflow. Tameflow was already part of the application, but from now on you can also open our new application: Lynx-x directly from Lynx. Eventually, Tameflow will be replaced by Lynx-x. Our application, focusing on task and card management.
Within Projects, buttons have been redesigned as well and/or have been moved to a slightly different location. Most buttons with relations to tasks are still above the Task table, including: Adding, Removing, Expanding, Collapsing, Indenting, Outdenting and Adding relationships between tasks, see part 1:
Besides, the search and filter functionality has been moved to the top right. Changing the views from the Gantt, the visible information around tasks or chains is still next to the functionalities of the tasks. The Critical Chain buttons are still at the same location, but the order of the buttons have changed, see part 2:
- Drag and Drop of Milestone/Deadline to another date;
- Some of the figures were missing in the application;
- Adding resources multiple times on the same tasks caused an issue with the duration and status of the task;
- Progress bar had the wrong background colour in some of the reports;
- Project buffer was still shown in debuffered view;
- CCPM information was missing in the Project Portfolio;
- Cardview monitor wasn't visible;
- Dropdown functionality in Cardsview wasn't working;
- Text in Project Table was overlapping other columns;
- Goto in Projects wasn't visible;
Selection mode
Within the search box at the different pages of the application, we have improved the behavior for the selection. If you now select the search box, there is an extra button: Selection Mode, see figure:
This option differs on the selected page, making it adaptive for My Activities, Cards View, TameFlow and Projects, see figures below.
Within TameFlow, you would like to select one or more Workpackages. Besides, by selecting the three dots, you are able to filter on Workpackages, see figure:
Within the tab Projects, the selection will be different. Focusing on the relevant information within that page: Projects. See figure:
- There were some (small) bugs within the application, which are fixed during development.
- This application is still in development, so please let us know if you find any on:
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