Scheduling Engine
One of the main components within Lynx is our scheduling engine. This is an ongoing process and therefor always on our agenda. Within the newest version, we have released new improvements in this area. Making sure that feeding buffers, milestone buffers and projectbuffers are calculated in the right way and placed at the correct place. Providing customers with the best possible outcome for the scheduled projects.
CCPM Compliance Checks
Additionally to the scheduling engine itself, Lynx will check if all necessary actions have been taken when the project will be released. We call these checks CCPM Compliance Checks, which include the following aspects:
- The Project Buffer has been added to the project plan;
- If there are any Deadlines on tasks, a Milestone Buffer been added to the plan;
- All tasks do have a dependency, with a buffer or with another task;
- All tasks have assigned resources/skills.
This pop-up will be triggered when you release a project ór you can manually check this for released projects, by selecting the button in the top right (which is also available for Released projects):
Open End Tasks
For one of those checks, we have developed a new button within the project view:
When you select this button, Lynx will provide you with the tasks that have no dependency to another task or to a project buffer. In this way, you can solve this more easily.
If you are wondering how to solve the other Failed messages, please read the following article (available soon):
- The ETTC of a stage is leading for the duration of the Stage Task;
- Synchronization between different clients is updated more direct;
- Correct information from tasks in the export csv from the Budget module;
- Synchronization between planned and remaining hours within the Budget module;
- Milestone sign will not be placed on top of the buffer percentage;
- Resource requirements do not become empty when filtering within Projects;
- Dependencies between stages are shown when using Summary Stages;
- Summary tasks from templates will receive a new date when the project is copied;
- Independent milestones are calculated correctly;
- Debuffered mode and Pause Auto Scheduling could be used in combination via Project view;
- Scaling from the Resource Load is enlarged when resizing;
- Tasks are marked in Red when on the Critical Chain (Load Factor mode).
Open (Bèta)
We have released a new version of Lynx-x as well. This version includes a Bèta of the Project view. You can find this Bèta if you select Project in the Dashboard and then select the Open (Bèta) button in the top right:
Gantt chart
If you have been using Lynx or other Project Software, you will be known with the Gantt Chart. Opening the Bèta, will provide you the Gantt chart of the selected project:
Providing you with the same information, but of course with new visualization, as you have within the original Lynx application.
Another way of viewing the project structure, is by a new feature within the application: the Pert Diagram. This will help you to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. The diagram is a visual representation of the project's tasks, (feeding) buffers and the dependencies between those tasks. The green dots are the visualization of tasks that are Critical. And the red dots are the tasks that are currently on the on the Current Longest Chain.
Throughout the Gantt / Pert view, you have the possibility to use the Eye - logo. By clicking this sign you are able to turn on/off specific viewables within the application. Examples are the Project List, which can be shown or not, making the Project Table and the Gantt Chart a bigger part of the screen. Likewise, you are able to remove the block with Project Information on the right side of the screen, which would give you the following view:
- Project Buffer has been added to the Project tab;
- Cards view has been added to the Gantt Chart;
- Resource Load has been added to the Gantt Chart;
- Progress Circle Visualization has been developed;
- F4 can be used to Auto-Scale the Timebar;
- Closing the application will check if the changed projects are saved;
- Due-date values are saved ánd shown;
- This application is still in development, so please let us know if you find any on:
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