A Rest API has been created. Please see more information and documentation here: Rest API – Support Center.
Improvement to opening projects/tasks:
- Double clicking on a project in message tab from desktop will open project.
- Double clicking on a task in message tab from task properties will select task in the task list.
- Double clicking on a dependency in the dependencies tab from task properties will select task in task list.
New reporting function:
A new function is added to the reporting module which is SetReportContainsUserData. This function filters out recipients in scheduled individual reports/notification reports if they have no active data. This means when implemented, the automatic reports in the notification module will only be sent to users that are included in the data.
For example, lets say you have set the report Operational reports / Task: Progress by task manager as a scheduled notification report that is sent to all task managers weekly. This report will be sent to each task manager, even if they do not have any data in the report (for example no active tasks). With this function, you can make a copy of the report and set it up such that those task managers will not receive the report unless they have data (tasks) under their name.
It can be used like this:
- Import will only save projects actually changed by import, not all projects as before.
- Bug is fixed where after releasing a project, the auto scheduler did not kick in when a task was changed.
- Projects being scheduled before the green line is fixed.
- Changing project ID not saving correctly has been fixed.
- Creating projects from template had a bug where custom fields aren't saved. This is now fixed.
- Issue with Bi-directional User mapping with JIRA is fixed.
- Replace bar in the find and replace feature was missing and is now fixed.
- Issues with release wizard have been fixed.
- LYNX does not accept project ID with more than 10 characters. This is now prevented instead of giving an "Invalid ID" error message.
- Buffer column was not showing automatically when a new project was released.
- The option of "Project doesn't have an end date" is no longer greyed out.
There are many changes and improvements implemented and more are coming soon to LYNX-X!
This application is still in development, so please let us know if you find any issues on:
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