LYNX Items
- application of horizontal grid, when working with projects and task list in the "project schedule view":
- improved user-experience in case of (fast scrolling and zooming in the project schedule view
- invitation e-mails sent by LYNX when a (new) user is invited are now fully configurable. The user (space-owner) can modify the text and links as preferred (configure -> space properties --> invitation e-mail):
- Domain and redirect handling has been improved, in combination with Single Sign on (this applies to customers who have installed LYNX inhouse)
- "undo" behavior has been improved
- improved feeding chain detection behavior, in case of projects with multiple feeding chains, that are also positioned in the future (are residing in the "time buffer" zone) and with "gaps" between the feeding chains
- when creating a new project from a template, the description added by the user is properly saved
- it is possible again to apply a combined header search box and column search in My activities and active tasks
- Task overview report has been reviewed and improved
LYNX TameFlow items
- a separate installer process is available for LYNX TameFlow users only, through this link: Users that only need to have access to the LYNX TameFlow Task Board do not have to install LYNX initially
- JIRA Integration - the possibility has been added for mapping card-types by JIRA ID, in order to make the mapping language independent. See screenshot below:
- it is now possible to import a multi-line field, via import grid in the Cards-view
- it is now possible to import parent / child cards via the import grid in the Cards-view
- several small fixes, regarding copy workpackage, calculation resource load % in case of team skills, editing cards after copying
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