LYNX Items
- A "Feeding Chain Statistics by Buffer" tab has been added to the side panel of the project windows. A user can easily select the feeding chain for he want to review its buffer statistics: The feeding chain statisitics of each buffer can now easily be selected and reviewed:
- The possibility to export tracking data has been added to the tracking table for additional analysis purposes:The same possibility has been added to the Tracking Tab in the project window:
- The visible Ettc value of tasks that have been started have now been synchronized for projects with shortened task durations, across Gannt view, Resource Requirements Tab and Tracking Tab:
- XML Export automation: You can now set the start and end date using '/daterangestart:' and '/daterangestop:' command line switches
LYNX TameFlow
A-dato introduces External Directories for Jira and DevOps
In many organizations Engineering Teams can have their own individual Jira Directory (or instance) or DevOps directory. Some companies may even use both Jira and also DevOps, depending on the Team or Department.
Through the new External Directory functionality, multiple external environments (Directories) from both Jira as well as Microsoft DevOps can be integrated in Lynx. Multiple DevOps and Jira sources can be maintained and configured in the same LYNX Space and Project Portfolio.
In the example below LYNX connects to even three directories:
Learn more about External Directories in this article: Setup of Integration with External Directories
New (other):
- JIRA Integration:
- Cards (issues) that have the status blocked in JIRA will automatically marked as "Not Ready to Start" when the card is shown on the LYNX TameFlow Task Board
- Once the card is RTS in LYNX TameFlow, the RTS Icon will disappear when the card is moved in an active column (status)
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