LYNX Items
- Improved Gantt Chart Layout: Scaling has been set as default to weeks and also the background day view has been changed to a view by week:
- Significant Scheduling Performance improvement has been achieved, on both single project as multi-project. portfolio level. Especially if you have large portfolio's with many projects, you will notice a significant difference
- The Project Timeline view for projects with "Stages" defined has been improved:
- Portfolio one pager dashboard report has been added:
- Scaling issue in the Resource Load Diagram has been fixed:
- Import issue when importing XML Project Files has been fixed
- Issue when adding dependencies has been fixed
- Buffer indicators in portfolio are removed again when switching to the debuffered mode
LYNX TameFlow Items
- (remaining) size updates of cards on the TameFlow Taskboard, were not always considered by the Workpackage Duration and Remaining time in LYNX. This has been fixed.
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