LYNX Items
- Workpackage size and progress monitoring has been improved. Also counters have been added to the Workpackage tab:
Combined (CCPM mode + Debuffered Mode) information is available from the reporting engine. This allows to merge "debuffered" forecast dates with CCPM Priority and Buffer information, as is illustrated in the example below:
- When selecting the Skill / Resource Requirements for a task through My activities, the list with "Matching Resources" was not populated anymore. This has been fixed.
LYNX TameFlow
- New way of displaying assignment of multiple engineers/tokens to the same card:
- Workpackage size warning process have been cleaned (= when more cards are added to a workpackage and estimated initial size is exceeded). This is working properly again, across various configuration scenarios (contact us for more information)
- when converting a task to the Task type "Workpackage" the duration of the task jumped to 0, as the default size conversion rate (from the Unit of Measure Table) was not checked. This has been fixed.
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