LYNX Items
- Choose Time Scale: Switch between weeknumbers or days:
- Also the scaling itself has been improved
- The available Hot-Keys have been extended: see this article listing all available Hot-Keys: Hot Keys Explained. Also a hot-key has been added to open and undock a project
- Drag and Drop of screens between multiple monitors have been improved (applicable if a users works with multiple screens or monitors)
- Configuration: the possibility has been added to sequence the values of picklist, for example also used to sequence a cards workflow presented via LYNX TameFlow:
LYNX Cards and TameFlow Items
- TameFlow Kanban configuration has been extended with the possibility for setting multi-level filters: besided setting a filter at Streamlevel it is now also possible to add filters at board level:
- The Stream/Board selection panel has been auto expanded, to prevent scrolling when selecting a board:
LYNX TameFlow Card and Board Operations - New Possibilities:
- New sorting possibillities on any cardfield:
- Ability to delete a card via the LYNX TameFlow Taskboard:
The possibility to add parent and child relations ships also via LYNX TameFlow. In the example below a child card will be added to Card C13:
- Add a Parent - Child Relationship via "Drag and Drop". In the example below card C16 will be added as Child Card:
- The possibility to remove a parent-child relationship
- Cards can be moved from one Workpackage to another workpackage, provided these workpackages are part of the same project
Kanban board Layout and Filters:
- Easy filtering has been added based on card relationships. Click on header to see the parent and all of its child cards:
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