LYNX Items
- new option for configuring the structure of the task list (My activities / active tasks) has been added.
- when copying a task or template project to which a document or hyperlink were added via "notes", the hyperlink and documents are now included when copying
- LYNX Pipeline Mode and Scenario planner has been improved and finalised - more information and documentation will follow
- "Start-Group" option, which make it possible to start a group of tasks:
- Start multiple tasks together from today
- Replace Feeding Buffer with Milestone Buffer
- See attachment to this article
- running the Checklist report is possible again - error has been resolved
- project start date in statistics pane was not always correct, this has been fixed
- recurring task dialogbox has been fixed
- when import a LYNX XML project, several fields were not imported: Properties AutoUpdate, AutoExpand, FixedDuration and TaskManagers. These fields have now been added to the LYNX XML import
LYNX TameFlow items
- Add "Cause of Delay" to Cards, based on Card Status and a "Treshhold"
- See attachment to this article
- when Cause-of-Delay pop-up is triggered entering a cause of delay from the "picklist" has been made mandatory for the user (LYNX TameFlow)
- when the Fever Chart is opened from the TameFlow Task board, only the position of the selected project/workpackage is filtered and displayed
- if a team does not have cards anymore, all other cards were displayed. This is prevented. The board remains empty for the team.
- JIRA integration: Lynx will also communicate the following fields to JIRA:
- Projektname, Taskname, Information if the Task is critical (IsCritcal), Information of the Projectbuffer PBP, Information of the color of the Project (PBP Color), Information of the Milestonebuffer MBP, Information of the color of the Milestone (MBP Color), Status of the task based on Taskliste (released, started, paused, aborted, completed)
- this is implemented via a rest call via a specialised URL
- When changing the board Stream/Board filter, it is not required anymore to push the refresh button. This is now down automatically
- Import wizard for cards did not accept "system users", as a result users were not filled in
- JIRA integration: the issue "updates via Jira WebHook is moving cards into the Backlog when a Workpackage field does not exist" has been solved
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